Sunday, June 28, 2009

Multitimbral Test

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What if every string on your guitar could be a different instrument?

Ok, so I really wouldn't even call this a songlet. It's more of a test.
One of the cool things about hexaphonic pickups and at least this
particular guitar->midi interface is that it has the ability to send
string data on different MIDI channels for each string. This means that
you can split each string onto it's own track that has its own
instrument and other settings. So after a lot of mucking around, I
finally figured out how to do this in Logic (it's neither obvious nor
automatic). So here's the results of the little test I did. Note that
these were not tracks recorded separately. This was all a couple of one
pass recordings. No overdubbing, only some small post-recording
touchups. Except for the drums. They're just a loop. And yes, I know
the first part sounds a lot like Megadeth's Diadems.

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